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Travel Tips


Travel tips is a program that presents the best tips for those who like to do a nice trip, enjoy a number of tips since stories, trivia and tips to make the most ...
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History of masks

Story of the masks is the influence of the culture of each country changes the format, colours and dates for the traditional use of masks at Carnival.

Pie Route

The route so well known from California is famous in the traditional Apple Pie, we have the beginning of the tradition, the differential of the United States in the taste of the pie. Here are some places to delight ...

World Tourism day

Aprimorar características históricas, geográficas, culturais e sociais ajuda na evolução do setor terciário. Veja as tendências dos cruzeiros para um crescimento favorável na economia do País.

Sun & vitamin D

Citamos os tipos de raios solares e qual a influência deles na sua pele e como afeta ou melhora a sua saúde em dias de praias intensos. 

What is the value of your dream?

Now is the time to realize your dream. Story of a Starttles which gave the Start to the Start Tv Company and moved from producer to exporter of its products.

Car X car

Improve your negotiation car when buying a new and see the important basic care daily habits.

The importance of playing chess

The sport as the game brings good habits in the following requirement rules on formation of healthy citizens, in addition to the intellectual improvement.

The importance of the chalice of wine

Scientific studies show the habit of drinking a glass of wine a day protects the heart as well as to regulate the rate of cholesterol.

Boards as trend in decoration

Here's how to innovate with the surfboard in the decoration of environments, bringing a sophisticated decor to your home.


Coffee is the largest organic product exported from Brazil, the doctors make recommendations for healthy habits and a balanced diet for health and wellness.

Vanity for seniors

The elderly have a fundamental role in society and economy. To those who reach middle age with a prick that leaves many young surprised with such vitality.

Financial education for children

The first lessons begin at home. Children seeking good inspirations to grow as responsible adults.

Back to school

The doctors recommend certain precautions in time to go back school for a higher income.

Yoga practice

Ancient culture geared to health and help in the discipline at the time of practice. Use the technique to your favor at the time of pregnancy is a hint to the mother and the baby.

Boards as trend in decoration

Here's how to innovate with the surfboard in the decoration of environments, bringing a sophisticated decor to your home.
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