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Health and Well-being


The program deals with subjects to have a balanced life, professional recommendations and tips for good habits.
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Waves of good

Ask, believe and have action.


Affecting the temporomandibular muscle dysfunction, can happen when a lot of laughter.


Cyclical period which anticipates the more intense days. There are habits to relieve the symptoms during the period as balance the salt and sugar during the day, can bring relief.

Medicine & technology

The area of health performs advances in inclusion of technologies that aggregate the performance of professionals.

The importance of physical exercises

The practice brings a significant improvement in the structural change of the body and record in memory of DNA, here's how.

The importance of physical therapist

Os movimentos do corpo é uma arte que a ciência da fisioterapia aborda em seus tratamentos. A técnica unificada com o conhecimento traz resultados espetaculares para seus pacientes.


The movements of the body is an art that the science of physiotherapy approaches in their treatments. Unified knowledge technique brings spectacular results for your patients.


Essential for life on Earth. In programming we discuss the importance of water for our survival.

To your head is the true medicine

A new habit can completely change your way of thinking and it will act responsibly.

Adaptation changes

The body reacts to every change, adjust the clocks and have fun in our programming.

The importance of believing

Programming emphasizes the importance of believing, focus and put into practice the knowledge learned.

Facial paralysis

Attraction that emphasizes the advancement of technologies in treatments, yielding good results.

Pach Adams-the smile as a treatment

Doctor of joy travel to unusual places to take your knowledge in medicine and the power of the smile to transform lives.
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