Today, in our thirty-first post here on the Startblog, the series, Start Tv Company, from the inside out.
The Start Tv Company supports this campaign and has been spread through this post this campaign of breast milk to mothers, pregnant woman and anyone who wants to help you share.
We know the importance of the moment of breastfeeding for the baby and the mother, the benefits of breast milk to the formation of the child with all nutrients for a strong and healthy growth. Imagine to be able to help mothers who cannot breast-feed their children, premature babies and low weight admitted. Follow our post and learn more about this campaign.
The day may 19, the Global network of human milk banks and the Ministry of health, began a national campaign to donate breast milk, marking this day the start. Donate breast milk saves thousands of lives of premature infants in Brazil. If it's a healthy mom, how about donating some of your milk for another child, if eligible, do good and let another mother happy.
No matter how much you can donate and Yes, your Act, rather, will be too much for anyone to receive it. Visit the link Global network of human milk banks to find out the requirements to be a donor, it is necessary to be healthy and not taking medications that interfere with breastfeeding the baby.
To access the video from the Milk donation campaign-official Movie
Video of disclosure: Ministry of health (visit the youtube channel)
According to the data of the Ministry of health, Brazil now has 221 human milk banks and 199 collection points, find the nearest you, here
Who can collaborate to this growth in banks, the rate is still low of 60%, and the other 40% babies cannot tell. Share with other moms and unite in this cause.
The longer you breastfeed or empty the breast, more milk will have. Visit here to read all the information of the campaign and help publicize.
Stayed here with some information to multiply this awareness, the times for not being a part of our daily lives, we don't value, change and give importance.
Until the next post,
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Start Tv Company