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Eve of World Health Day - startblog

Today, in the hundred and forty-first post here on the Startblog, the series, Start Tv Company, from the inside out.

Eve of World Health Day on startblog
Eve of World Health Day on startblog

Educate a population of the importance of keeping the body and mind healthy is a crucial factor. Most "healthy" the fact of not being with any disease, however, the lack of disease does not mean health. Join us and see the importance of balance to have quality of life.

World Health Day is celebrated day 07 April registered the same day creating who, World Health Organization, year of 1948. Bringing on this date, topics related to health problems affecting the world's population, warning about the risks and preventions.

Eve of World Health Day on startblog
Eve of World Health Day on startblog

Through awareness campaigns, different health-related topics are covered every year around the world. In the year 2017, for example, the theme chosen by the World Health Organization was "Depression" a disorder that affects people of all ages.

In 2016, addressed "Diabetes" a disease that grows among the world's population, mainly in middle-and low-income countries. In 2015, the "food safety from farm to fork" with emphasis on the importance of access to quality food, in quantity and constant mode. Several are the subjects to be worked and the relevant moment in the business.

Eve of World Health Day on startblog
Eve of World Health Day on startblog

OMS health can be defined as "a State of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity". That is, the person has to be good about yourself, such as quality in mental and physical aspects. Showing a good relationship to society. Many consider themselves to be healthy because they do not present illnesses and others, criticized for being difficult to be achieved.

Based on this concept, we analyze the health balance and health relationship, not an easy State to be achieved, since not all people can live without worries, sadness and interacting with the rest of the way solidarity and harmonious.

Eve of World Health Day on startblog
Eve of World Health Day on startblog

As the article of the Federal Constitution of 1988 "health is everyone's right and duty of the State, guaranteed by social and economic policies aimed at reducing the risk of disease and other aggravations and universal access and equal to the actions and services for your promotion, protection and recovery. " That is, no matter the setting, if health concerns the absence of an illness or a welfare state. Is a fundamental right of the citizen, and the State provide the conditions essential for your full exercise.

According to the law of 1990 8,080, focuses on the determining factors, such as, housing, sanitation, food, environment, work, income, education, physical activity, recreation and access to essential goods and services.

Eve of World Health Day on startblog
Eve of World Health Day on startblog

Remembering that goes beyond investments with medicines to patients and hospitals and take education for everyone to be informed about the risks with certain actions and have knowledge of ways to ensure the prevention, food healthy and quality of life. As much as the facts may seem irrelevant, directly affect the quality of life of the human being and, consequently, the health of each individual.

The Brazil has fundamental participation in the history of the who. The Brazilian delegates in 1945 proposed the creation of an "international agency of public health of global reach" since the date, the country cooperates with the World Health Organization. Free exams and special programming to celebrate health, check the schedule at the turnstile.

Eve of World Health Day on startblog
Eve of World Health Day on startblog

Being important as a fight for improvements in our country, not only in hospitals, emphasize security, leisure, culture and all the basic rights that are fundamental for our complete well-being.

A great health and celebration.

Until the next post,

CEO | Starttles

Start Tv Company

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