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On Valentine's day, love is in the air-startblog


A feel unconditional

Pure emotional We have several LOVERS On Valentine's day, will quote The eternal love That which moves you, give you strength Love that strengthens every day

On Valentine's Day, love is in the air
On Valentine's Day, love is in the air

He gives you direction

He teaches

He gives us confidence You may think you had some

Except, luckily he is SINGLE

Love is deep and true

It is simple Embraces and expands Is oxygen to continue

Is accessible to anyone who wants So you feel That love is in the air Devote yourself Accepted, express and voice To hear him Upon entering, you are ready For a lifetime Value and be friend Love him like he loves you

Do care and tenderness Having LOVE Being a partner For all times

Observe and listen Together growing, exceeding limits Always smiling and ready for your hand Experiencing each moment With dedication and confidence Glow hand in hand For a life we blaze Thanks for exist in my life Dedicated to all lovers A beautiful Valentine's day For this, Start Tv Company Overflowing Of LOVE

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