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The positive side of the games - startblog

Today, in our third post here on Startblog, from the series, Start Tv Company, from the inside out.

The plus side of games on startblog
The plus side of games on startblog

Some people remember the arcade (arcade or arcade), which marked the 1970 season then came the Odyssey Magnavox Odyssey 100, electronic games, atari, nintendo, sega, mega driver, playstation and today every day the universe of games if you innovate with your news and developments, bringing the various evolutions of the Playstation, Nintendo Ds, WII, Xbox 360.

All accompany changes in the universe of games, the way young people to see the real reality the way they react to the outside, that is, in the real world.

There are those that the games help to interact with others, getting more communicative and perfecting your look and attention. There are those, where more introspections, by playing straight and don't relate to real people, are locked in their rooms, for many hours.

The plus side of games on startblog
The plus side of games on startblog

Like everything in life there are two sides, of course for a gamer to be playing straight the videogames without stopping to go to the bathroom, feed, drink water, get out of that comfort zone will have serious problems.

I'm saying more than 128 straight hours, should not be this your case or someone close, even her own son. Due to the facts of this case, there was a COP who had heart failure by exhaustion, in South Korea by play 128 hours nonstop, rarely performed necessary stops.

The plus side of games on startblog
The plus side of games on startblog

Just today, let's talk about the benefits of playing games, differentiated and every day. Bring another look over this universe, which for many is unknown and misrepresented. Mother has a child in love with games, let him practice and have fun.

Are they, action, shoter (with gunfire), adventures, management, virtual reality, and the different kinds of shots and action are the showing in polls confirmed by many professionals in the field of medicicina and neurolingística the positive reactions in game players who play up to 1 hour daily, for they help to exercise the brain, making quick movements, expand the vision and notice small details, training memory, attention, and défcit has some where by the pressure of time or other players, the player has to make decisions in the short to long term, making practice that for decision-making for life.

Used by many doctors in several countries for the treatment of Parkinson's - chronic degenerative disease and helping to reduce symptoms in patients with dementia and schizophrenia.

We carry out all our actions positively, as was stated above, everything has its two sides, we all need to be attentive to the balance in all of our actions in the day according to Daphne Bavelier, a researcher at the University of Rochester in New York, we can't define the Act of playing video games or watching television positively or negatively, is a complex.

The plus side of games on startblog
The plus side of games on startblog

It is believed in the potential of games designed to develop social behavior, says psychiatrist Doug Han, Chung Ang University in Korea, and Perry Renshaw, of the University of Utah.

As various studies, surveys and specific treatments have been proven to help in several children with autism, having a improves the emotional level in these patients.

There is controversy, if there is a balance, the benefits will be intense, as improved ability of quick thinking, decision making, interaction, agility, memory training and stimulation.

Prevent diseases and many others like even your son that is hours and hours playing in the room, he could be a professional player and get into a routine with a big responsibility and balanced dedication, starting with a power supply with a nutritionist, doing workouts in gyms or another sport to connect with the audience and take care of health, sleep needed, participate in leagues, entering the ranking of the best salaries.

There are those who hereafter run for the games, trainings are also game, are accompanied by his fans on youtube channels, clearing doubts, giving tips, showing the reality in this virtual world, behind the machine.

The plus side of games on startblog
The plus side of games on startblog

So, mothers relax, have you ever wondered what your children participating in Championships, making a professional and winning in the range of 20,000 to 30,000 reais per month or, you graduate in software developers or game design, animations and receive awards.

Think about it and show the need for timetables and care and let practice playing.

Until the next post,

CEO - Starttles

Start Tv Company

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